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Norman R. Scott


8th Light Horse Regiment

Medals Earned

  • British War Medal
  • Victory Medal

Tree Information

  • Species: Ulmus Sp.
  • Planted By: T. Jones
  • Plaque: 1733

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Norman Robertson Scott was born in Ballarat, Victoria, was single and a Farmer when he enlisted in the 8th Light Horse Regiment, 15th Reinforcement on 5 October 1915 at the age of 22. His unit embarked from Melbourne, Victoria, on board HMAT A43 Barunga on 7 April 1916. He was transferred to the 3rd Double Squadron on 1 July 1916 before transferring to the Australian 1 CC, C. Reserve Company at Abbassia on 17 February 1917. He was hospitalised in September of that year, suffering from haematuria (blood in the urine) due to an infected bladder. He was transferred to the 24th Stat Hospital on 17 March 1917, additionally diagnosed suffering bilharzia.*

He was invalided and returned home to Australia aboard the Neuralia for discharge on 28 may 1917.
Tree No. 1733

  • a chronic disease, endemic in parts of Africa and South America, caused by infestation with blood flukes (schistosomes).

Location in Ballarat Avenue of Honour