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Leslie Vincent


21st Battalion

Killed In Action (KIA) Killed In Action

Medals Earned

  • British War Medal
  • 1914-15 Star
  • Victory Medal

Tree Information

  • Species: Quercus palustris
  • Planted By: H. Odgers
  • Plaque: 1783

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Leslie Allan Vincent (SN 2051) was born in Steiglitz but attended Ballarat's Humffray Street State School. He enlisted in Ballarat East on July 22nd 1915. The 20 year old labourer was assigned to the 21st Battalion and left Melbourne a month later aboard the Anchises, bound for Egypt. He served at Gallipoli for the last two months of that campaign then moved to France in March 1916. He was killed in action on October 4th 1917 at Passchendaele, has no known grave and his name is on the Menin Gate Memorial, Belgium.

Location in Ballarat Avenue of Honour