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Gladstone C. Gummow


3rd Divisional Ammunition Column

Medals Earned

  • British War Medal
  • Victory Medal

Tree Information

  • Species: Ulmus X holl. Purpurescens
  • Planted By: A. B. Overall
  • Plaque: 2508

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Gladstone Churchill Gummow was born in Ballarat and was a Clerk when he enlisted in the Field Artillery Brigade, Reinforcement 32 on 29 August 1916 at the age of 18. His enlistment required the written consent of his parents Benjamin and Ada, and was conditional on his not leaving Australia until after his 19th birthday. He trained with the 8th Battalion in Ballarat and the 24th Battalion at Royal Park before joining Field Artillery Reinforcements at Maribyrnong. On November 26th 1917 he embarked for overseas service on the Indarra and sailed via Suez to England, disembarking at Southampton in early March 1918. In September 1918 he joined the 3rd Division Ammunition Column in France and served out the remaining months of the war. He returned to Australia on the Karmala, reaching Melbourne on August 17th 1919.
Tree No. 2508

Location in Ballarat Avenue of Honour