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Walter Ritchie


4th Light Horse Field Ambulance

Medals Earned

  • British War Medal
  • 1914-15 Star
  • Victory Medal

Tree Information

  • Species: Ulmus Glabra Lutescens
  • Planted By: Miss R. Mounsey
  • Plaque: 3738

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Walter Robert Ritchie was born in Ballarat, was single and a traveller when he enlisted in the 10th Light Horse Regiment, 33rd Reinforcement on 27 February 1915 at the age of 30. He proceeded to reinforce the M.E.F. at Gallipoli in August 1915 and was promoted to Corporal on 1 July 1916 before moving out from Tel-el-Kebir to Port Said in August. In June 1917 he was admitted to ambulance with buns to his body and arm and was discharged to duty later that same day. It seems he was able to complete the remainder of his tour without major incident, illness or injury, embarking for Australia aboard the Hospital Transport Wiltshire in November 1917.
Tree No. 3738

Location in Ballarat Avenue of Honour