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John E. Stewart

Lance Corporal

Australian Light Railway

Medals Earned

  • British War Medal
  • Victory Medal

Tree Information

  • Species: Ulmus Sp.
  • Planted By: Miss E. Clennell
  • Plaque: 823

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John Edward Stewart was a railway employee in Ballarat when he enlisted on 7th July 1915. He was born in Ballarat, was 22 years old and single. He was drafted to the 14th Infantry Battalion, with Regimental No. 4311. During his service he was promoted Lance Corporal. Later he was transferred to 1st Aust Light Rail Operating Company. He was killed in action on 22nd April 1918, and is buried in Lijessenthoek Military Cemetery, Belgium.
Tree No. 823

Location in Ballarat Avenue of Honour