Photo of Norman Craven

Norman Craven


8th Infantry Battalion

Killed In Action (KIA) Killed In Action

Medals Earned

  • British War Medal
  • 1914-15 Star
  • Victory Medal

Tree Information

  • Species: Ulmus sp.
  • Planted By: Miss L. Carnegie
  • Plaque: 174

Additional Info

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Norman Craven (SN 16) was born in Ballarat where he attended the Humffray Street State School. He was a 21 year old motor mechanic when he enlisted in the 8th Infantry Battalion at Ballarat on August 21st 1914. He left Australia on board the Benalla in October, bound for Gallipoli where he suffered a gunshot wound to the shoulder in April. After rejoining his unit, he was killed in action on August 7th 1915 near Lone Pine and is buried in Shrapnel Valley Cemetery, Gallipoli.

His brother George was killed in France in June 1917 and is also honoured with a tree in the Avenue.

Location in Ballarat Avenue of Honour